At the dawn of the 22nd century, an evil power brought inanimate objects to life, and they turned on humanity. Bridges, automobiles, cities – the whole of humanity’s creations were all made to turn on their makers. Mankind’s fears of apocalypse became reality! Hidden amongst humanity’s survivors, an elite unit of specially-trained ninja known as Moondivers has been lying in wait for orders to reclaim the planet. Today, those orders arrived. Today, the battle to retake Earth begins…
Como Instalar:
1. Baixe e extraia os arquivos
2. Passes os arquivos para um Pen Drive ou HD Externo (ambos em FAT32)
3. Ligue o dispositivo USB no PS3 e instale-os na seguinte ordem através da opção “Install Package Files”:
1º – XMVAvDgtwRduRGdWoKhPbqVsLnWkiVHqOWftLGQpE…HiHr.pkg
2º – UP0082-NPUB30345_00-MDGAMEFIX0000000.pkg
4. Pronto!
Ano: 2011
Tamanho: 400MB
Idioma: Inglês
Formato: PKG

Plataforma: PS3
